
Hello! Whomever you are, I'm glad you made it here. I've worked on a lot of personal projects since I started programming in middle school. Many of them were great; Some were not. These are some of my favorite and most notable projects that I've worked on. If you want more details, visit the project page!

Personal Website

This project was initially for one of my CAT125R course at UCSD. In it, I aim to show my skills of basic HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Javascript. I used these languages to create the website you are on right now! Once my course was over, I catered it to be a better personal portfolio to house my skills, resume, and hopes.

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League of Legends Champion Recommender

This project was a part of my internship application for TigerGraph. Utilizing the TigerGraph graph database technologies and various other tools, I was able to create a recommender system for player's looking to play a different in-game character in League of Legends.

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Gamer Time

This project works to fill the gap in communication and make data collection of the UCSD Tec Cafe usage easy and accessible. My original intent for this project was to learn SQL, but it turned into much more. It's curently being used by UCSD Recreation and continually under development.

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League of Legends Win Predictor

This project aimed to predict the outcome of a League of Legends game based on the first 15 minutes of various game data. It was one of my first times using a game related API, web technologies, and various other small tools.

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