
Who am I?

I would define myself as a tireless seeker of knowledge, occasional purveyor of wisdom and also, coincidentally, a Data Scientist and Developer (or at least, I'm trying to be). More importantly, I'm a second year Data Science major at UCSD working towards becoming the best Data Scientist and Developer. I currently hold two positions: Esports Assistant at UCSD Recreation and Data Science Tutor at the Halicioğlu Data Science Institute. In these roles I'm actively using major web technologies, data science essentials, and taking lead on various projects. My dream is to own an esports analytics company, but until then, I'm always looking for industry experience, so feel free to contact me with any opportunities!

Why do I love what I do?

Being an avid gamer for as long as I can remember, I would have never expected I would be studying Data Science. Surely I would be a game developer, creating any game I imagined. So when I stumbled upon Data Science, I was hesitant at first. I mean, who likes looking at numbers and graphs day after day? But as I learned more about the power of data, I realized how closely related my passion of games and data science truly are. In my day to day life I started to realize how often we use data science without knowing. Judging where a driver is intending to go, whether the price of the apple at the grocery store is reasonable, if a player is going to dodge a certain way in a game; These are all data science thinking in disguise. Knowing this allowed me to understand my new passion in two ways: Programming and Data Science as my tools, but learning about people, understanding the world's intricacies, and being able to create as my true passions.

Everything else.

Since middle school, I've spent a lot of time on personal projects. One of those personal projects is this page itself, which aims to showcase my expertise and understanding of the data science and developer ecosystem. As much as I love coding, I like to be well rounded. You'll often find me gymming, cooking, surfing, playing guitar, singing, or many other things. However, even now, my favorite pastime is playing video games with my friends. You'd think that even after sitting at a computer coding all day I would want to leave. I realize I've made some of my best friends playing video games, so why stop just because I'm "getting old".